About EEI

Black EmPowered
Black EmPowered aims to provide networking, mentorship, professional development, and career advancement opportunities that help Black employees achieve their full potential at our organization.

Emerging Leaders
The mission of EEI's Emerging Leaders ERG is to promote a sense of belonging among employees with diverse backgrounds, interests, and goals and to provide its members with networking opportunities, skill-building activities, and paths toward career advancement.

Green Team
EEI's Green Team seeks to identify, craft, and better implement sustainability measures into our organization through a variety of initiatives—including waste reduction, volunteer activities, staff education, business improvement, and more to help EEI reduce its environmental impact.

Power in Pride
Power in Pride, EEI's LGBTQ+ ERG, promotes an affirmation of the unique intersectionality of identities that compose the LGBTQ+ community through recruitment, retention, professional development, networking, mentorship, and facilitating access to relevant resources.