
EEI Associate Membership is designed for firms that have an interest in advancing the development of the electric power industry. These firms may provide goods and services to the industry, but may not be engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution, brokerage, or sale of electricity, or if so engaged, not regulated as an electric utility. Associate membership helps firms to better know and understand the industry, the people, and key issues.

Associate Member Directory

Utility worker looking at power line

Associate Members are suppliers, consultants, contractors, members of the financial, marketing, construction, and legal communities, and other service providers to the industry. Learn more about the firms that are supporting the advancement of the electric power industry through their membership in EEI.

Plan to Join Us at EEI 2025!

Don’t miss EEI’s premier annual conference and thought leadership forum. Dynamic keynote discussions, thought-provoking breakouts, and one-of-a-kind networking opportunities will bring together electric company executives, government leaders, technology partners and innovators, policymakers, regulators, and industry stakeholders to explore the forces defining and shaping the electric power industry today, and tomorrow.

June 2-4, 2025
Hyatt Regency New Orleans
New Orleans, LA

Please contact Alex Land at aland@eei.org for sponsorship opportunities.


Associate Members receive immediate benefits in the form of “Access, Visibility and Insight.” EEI memberships are organization-wide; therefore, your entire team can enjoy the benefits.


Applying for membership is quick and easy via the online application. Processing and confirmation are usually completed within one business day.

Member Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Edison Electric Institute (EEI)?

The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the association that represents all U.S. investor-owned electric companies. Our members provide electricity for nearly 250 million Americans, and operate in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. As a whole, the electric power industry supports more than 7 million jobs in communities across the United States. In addition to our U.S. members, EEI has more than 70 international electric companies, as International Members, and hundreds of industry suppliers and related organizations as Associate Members.

Organized in 1933, EEI provides public policy leadership, strategic business intelligence, and essential conferences and forums.

Learn more about EEI

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How do I join EEI as an Associate Member?

To join the EEI Associate Program, your organization must have an interest in advancing the development of the electric power industry, but cannot be engaged in generation, transmission, distribution, sale, or brokerage of electricity. Annual dues are based upon your firm's revenues, and begin at $4,000.

Membership application

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How soon after I submit my application does the membership start?

While the membership is officially approved by the EEI Board of Directors at their quarterly meeting, we can activate the membership and benefits within two days of receiving the application.

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What benefits do I receive as an Associate Member?

Associate Members receive immediate benefits in the form of Insight, Access, and Visibility.

Summary of Benefits

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How do I log in to the EEI website?

While some information is available on the public side of the website, additional information can be found on the member side. Click on the “Login” button in the upper right corner of most www.eei.org web pages. Enter your username (your business email address) and password and click “Submit.” If you have forgotten your password, or need to reset it, click on the “Reset Password” link.

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If I don’t have a Login ID for the website, can I access the EEI website?

Click on the “Login” button near the top right of the web page, and use the link: “create an account”. On the account creation form, type and then select your firm from the “Company Name” field. Please complete all appropriate information fields. If you have any difficulties with this firm, please email accounts@eei.org.

Please note: if your email is not being accepted by the system, it is possible you already have an account and you may want to try to reset your password before creating a fresh account.

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Can anyone from my company access your website if we are not a member? Is there a limit to the number of people who can have access to your website?

Any number of contacts may have a web account with EEI and may access information or register for a meeting.

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How can I become an EEI sponsor or exhibitor?

Please view here for a list of our meetings that include sponsorship and exhibit opportunities.

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Are conference registration fees included in the membership?

No. Conference registration fees are a separate expense for all U.S. electric company, International Affiliate, and Associate members. Many meetings offer a significant discount to Associate Members, or they are not open to the public, but only to EEI members.

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When does my membership expire?

Beginning in 2020, all memberships are being moved to a calendar-year dues schedule (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31). New members joining mid-year will receive a prorated invoice for the remainder of their first year, and will then transition to a calendar-year schedule the following January. Membership renewal invoices will be sent each January.

Staff Contacts

  • Alex Land
    Director, Associate Membership & Partnerships