September 26, 2024
5:00 p.m. EDT

Electric companies in the path of Helene have strategically pre-positioned equipment, resources, and mutual assistance workers to assist in their storm response efforts. Nearly 50,000 workers from at least 27 states and the District of Columbia are dedicated to the hurricane Helene response.

The CEO-led Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council (ESCC) is engaged to ensure unity of effort across the highest levels of industry and government. Strong industry-government coordination and cross-sector collaboration are critical.

Safety is our industry’s top priority. Once it is safe to do so, impacted electric companies will assess the damage and will work around the clock to restore power when and where conditions allow. Assessing damage and restoring power may take several days or more in some areas. In some cases, power restoration could require rebuilding energy infrastructure.

Flooding and storm surge create a unique and dangerous restoration environment and can delay initial assessment efforts. In the hardest-hit areas, search and rescue and life safety will be the top priority. Crews will not be able to use certain equipment, including bucket trucks, until high winds subside. 

Customers should:

  • Be prepared. Keep your emergency outage kit readily accessible.
  • Have your cell phones and other battery-powered devices charged and available.
  • Have a hard copy of emergency contact information available.
  • Register your cell phone number with your local electric company, and make sure your contact information is current so you can receive any status or safety updates the company might put out during an emergency. Be sure to follow your electric company on social media for real-time updates.
  • Stay indoors in a secure room and away from windows and monitor weather bulletins on a battery-powered radio.
  • Stay away from downed or sagging power lines, flooded areas, and debris. Treat all fallen wires and anything touching them as though they are energized. Immediately report downed lines to your electric company.
  • If using a personal generator, please take all recommended precautions. Never use a generator inside your home, garage, crawl space, other enclosed areas, or anywhere exhaust fumes can enter enclosed spaces. Never connect a generator to your home’s circuits. Plug appliances directly into the generator.
  • Never place a burning candle near anything that could catch fire or leave one unattended. Extinguish candles before going to sleep.
  • Do not approach electric company workers or contractors as they make repairs. They are following strict safety guidelines, so please keep your distance to allow them to complete their work.

The Steps To The Power Restoration Process

Every electric company has a detailed plan for restoring power after storms. Typically, one of the first steps is to make sure that power is no longer flowing through downed lines. Restoration then proceeds based on established priorities. Below are the steps to restore power after a storm. Learn More.

Step 1 step1
Step 2 step2
Step 3 Step 3
Step 4 Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1 step1
Power Plants
Power Plants Power plants, the primary source of power production, are assessed for damage and restored.
Step 2 step2
Transmission Lines
Transmission Lines High-voltage transmission lines serving thousands of customers over wide areas are repaired.
Step 3 Step 3
Substations Substations are brought online in order for power to reach local distribution lines.
Step 4 Step 4
Essential Services
Essential Services Power is restored to essential services and facilities critical to public health and safety such as hospitals, nursing homes, fire and police departments, and water systems.
Step 5
Large Service Areas
Large Service Areas Crews are dispatched to repair lines that will return service to the largest number of customers in the least amount of time. Service lines to neighborhoods, industries, and businesses are restored systematically.
Step 6
Individual Homes
Individual Homes Once major repairs are completed, service lines to individual homes and smaller groups of customers are restored. Some customers may not be able to receive power to their homes because of damage. Flooding can damage electrical systems, and inspections by a licensed electrician may be required before a home can receive power. Customers should never touch damaged equipment.

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Additional Information

Data includes information submitted by investor-owned electric companies only. Additional information for public power utilities and electric cooperatives can be found by visiting the American Public Power Association and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.

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