Electric Perspectives, EEI’s flagship publication, is the only magazine written specifically for management-level employees at investor-owned electric companies.

Subscribe to Electric Perspectives and get six issues per year packed with informative articles and insights on the transformation taking place across the electric power industry. EEI’s member companies are committed to meeting customers’ needs by building and using smarter energy infrastructure, by providing even cleaner energy, and by creating the energy solutions they want. Articles in Electric Perspectives focus on innovative partnerships, smart technologies, grid modernization, the regulatory landscape, fuel diversity, grid security and reliability, electrification, workforce diversity, and more.

Independent research confirms that Electric Perspectives is the magazine ranked number-one by executives and managers in investor-owned electric companies.

EEI Members

Electric Perspectives is free to management-level employees at EEI member companies.

Confirm your company’s EEI membership with the current membership list.

If you work for a member company, please send subscription requests to:
Subscription Coordinator
701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004-2696

Include your name, job title, company name, mailing address, and phone number. Please allow 8-12 weeks for delivery of your first issue.


Annual subscriptions are available.

Staff Contacts

  • Andrew Soergel
    Director, Digital Communications and Publications