Energy companies are leading enormous change: investing in renewable energy, making the energy grid smarter and stronger, and delivering value to communities and the nation’s economy. America’s electric power companies are creating the energy future customers want and expect.

Editorial Calendar

Electric Perspectives accepts articles on topics of interest to the investor-owned electric power industry. The editorial calendar is for basic direction only—each issue covers several topics in addition to the ones listed here.


We are always on the lookout for new ideas and fresh perspectives. Please keep the following guidelines in mind as you prepare to submit your article.

For the most part, readers do not look to Electric Perspectives for continuing financial coverage or technical information on specific products, as they would with other trade publications. They read Electric Perspectives to stay ahead of industry trends and issues, and they rely on its broad perspective and engaging style for useful, authoritative, and engaging information on a range of topics.

Your topic should hold the immediate interest of and have an impact on leaders in investor-owned energy companies. Please review the Archive(Open external link)(Open external link) section for recent issues of Electric Perspectives.

While case studies are welcome, we are more generally concerned with industry-wide issues. For example, an article describing various energy-efficiency efforts by a number of energy companies may be preferred to one about a particular company’s program. We also consider articles directed toward a general business audience that would be of particular interest to energy company executives.

Highly technical articles will not be considered, nor do we consider articles whose goal is to promote a particular commercial product or service.


  • You should strive for an informative, approachable style in your writing. You will be writing for readers who do not have time to wade through complex, technical jargon but who desire well-reasoned, intelligent discussions supported with data, research, quotations, and/or examples.
  • Electric Perspectives looks for a conversational style, but not an overly familiar one: 
  • Stay away from the passive voice.

Avoid using jargon without explanation and do not assume comprehensive technical knowledge. Address your writing to an interested, intelligent reader—one who understands the electric power industry but who perhaps doesn’t have in-depth knowledge in your particular area.

Use concrete examples. Our readers want to see how issues and techniques apply to the real world.

For general editorial style, EP follows The Chicago Manual of Style (published by the University of Chicago) and Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Of course, you may refer to past EPs.


For a feature article, your submission should be 2,000 to 3,000 words long. For a department, you should aim for 1,500 to 2,000 words. Use targeted yet creative headlines, and use subheads to break up long sections of text.

As the author, you are responsible for the facts in the article you submit. Electric Perspectives makes every effort to verify them, but we ask that you check dates, spelling of names and technical words, and quotations.

Your manuscript should include a title, byline with author biography, subheads, and figures and illustrations (if necessary) on separate pages at the end. Please refer to tables and illustrations in text as well. Include source documentation only if necessary, and incorporate the substance of endnotes in the main text.

Additional Information

If you have information that does not fit your article but that has topical interest for the reader, please submit it as a sidebar. We also will consider your high-resolution photographs or illustrations. If we use them, we will publish the credit line you provide.


Electric Perspectives retains all rights to published articles. We also reserve the right to edit articles to meet the needs of the magazine’s audience, editorial style, and space requirements and to illustrate them as we see fit.

To Submit Your Manuscript

We prefer to receive manuscripts electronically as a Word file attached to an email. You also may email a letter of inquiry and a one-page abstract of your proposed article.

Staff Contacts

  • Andrew Soergel
    Director, Digital Communications and Publications